The Informant!
Though this one isn't necessarily a standout/favorite, this is the type of movie I love to watch. Quirky comedy that subtly plays tricks on you. The tone is well captured, and Matt Damon's performance reminds me he knows what he's doing.

AWESOME and incredibly touching first 30 minutes w/o dialogue. lost it at the talking dogs and never got it back, save for a satisfying epilogue. perhaps i'll rant another day about the talking animals phenomenon.
i'm a sucker for action movies, what can i say...[update 9/30/11: i honestly can't remember that i watched this. had to look it up on imdb to jog my memory. oh yeah... i did enjoy this]

except for michelle monaghan's character being useless, this one's pretty solid. very affecting film with an impressive performance from amy ryan. not bad at all, ben affleck, not bad at all. maybe you should stick to directing.

awesome take on the zombie horror. gotta watch it thru when i'm not passing out drunk.
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
feeling a little vulnerable, and not feeling like anything serious, or retarded, watched this at just the right time to put me in a good mood.
I LOVE WEEDS!!!! the first 2 seasons at least is true love. seasons 3-5 might just be addiction.
hahahaha. bound to be disagreements, but i had fun with this one. this was more a of drama that built up the character relationships (with some slightly twisted humor) than the horror/action that it advertised, and to that end, done decently.

not bad at all! :) not the typical romance dramedy it might appear to be. the characters are well captured, presenting some real honest emotions without hitting you over the head. just the right tone to keep it out of the comedy, drama, and dramedy genres.
Shutter Island
enjoyable movie night at home

hahahaha. ever so slightly disappointing. if only because i had super high expectations
good, but highly over-rated. had another long rant about this one that got lost in the mix. ellen page-a complete miscast. dig the mcescher-esque dreamscapes

The Losers
surprisingly decent comedic action, that lives up to its genre name, made this a not-so-guilty pleasure
The Other Guys
a funny movie that has fun with itself. pokes fun at itself and the typical action movie while giving you the satisfaction of the adrenaline rush with the ridiculous action. great well delivered one-liners and hilarious dead pan from both marky mark and will ferrell. silly and stupid? perhaps, but absolutely lovable.
The Wanderers
not sure how i came across this one, but there's something satisfying about watching old movies.
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