given the choice: mike meyers or adam sandler? i'd say mike meyers. i love the way he combines silly and witty, and austin powers being one of my all-time favorites, i have certain comic expectations of mike meyers.
unfortunately he drops the ball on this one relying on potty humor and giving in to a predictable plot that you're just waiting to play itself out. there's a few isolated moments of good jokes, but the movie quickly unfolds exactly as you know it will, and at the end you're still left with nothing. it's almost as if the movie itself knows how bad it is and rushes right through it so it can be over already. justin timberlake is possibly the one thing worth watching as a ridiculous "jacques the cock," though the gimmick can only carry itself so far.
zohan, though not great either, does garner some good laughs. more like an extended saturday night live skit than a movie, the zohan character is likable, funny, and well suited to adam sandler. the movie at least has some relevance or something to identify with, whether a silly dream of cutting hair, or giving a light heart to some very real tensions. not to mention i have a new girl crush on emmanuelle chriqui.
both have plenty of dick jokes to satisfy the 13-year old within and cameos to test your tmz iq.

no k.o. here, zohan by decision.
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